here we are once again on the eve of a new year. all that remains of 2012 are a few fleeting hours and before we know it, we’ll be welcoming 2013. here’s to looking back on what I’ve learned and experienced in 2012 and looking forward to all that awaits in 2013.

new friends. old friends. family. saying goodbye. I am blessed with amazing friends and family and together, we continue to make more memories and stronger bonds. and, each year, I seem to meet more and more amazing people and for this I am truly grateful. this year again brought new friends in Denver and scattered across the U.S. there were also a number of little additions, with the births of healthy little ones to family and friends. unfortunately, hellos are only one side of the coin — there are also goodbyes. in 2012, I said goodbye to two very dear people: an amazing man and friend who taught me so much about life, and, my grandmother, who was one of the kindest and most selfless women I will ever know. RIP Cy and Marcie.

adventures. as in years past, 2012 brought with it a number of travels and adventures, both to places I’ve been and those that were new: Washington D.C., Philly, Costa Rica, Breckenridge, Rockies, Broncos, concerts, New Orleans, Tucson, Chicago, camping, rafting, Seattle, Canada, Iowa, Aspen, hot air balloons, San Francisco, South Dakota.

acceptance. I have never been a fast runner. I have never been an overly-competitive runner. I even admit that there have been times when I let running slide in exchange for other ways to spend my time. but, whatever was happening in my life, I knew I could run. running has always been a part of me, available as a stress reliever, as a respite to the ins and outs of life. I have always been a runner – until now. after spending a few months training for my second half marathon this summer, it became evident that the pain I had been feeling in my left knee was not going to subside and, after a visit to the doctor (and one last run/failed attempt to prove her wrong), I hung up my running shoes. then I pouted. and pouted. and pouted. and finally, after months of pouting, I did the inevitable — I moved on to acceptance. it was difficult and it’s a continual process, but one that I’m working on. I have since began physical therapy and taken steps to improve the condition, but I am still unsure if running will ever again be a part of my normal routine. acceptance of this has not been easy, but it has reminded me that life does not always go as planned and making the best of it is the only way to be happy.

lessons. there have been many of these and I continue to be grateful for those times when things don’t go quite as anticipated, for without this, our lives would be void of lessons. it is up to us to learn and grow from these lessons.

moving forward. completed three more project management classes, bringing me just two quarters shy of completing the degree. turned in my daily routine of writing for one of managing projects and a new career as a project manager. took a number of courses on everything from usability to corporate writing to SharePoint.

milestones. five years in Denver. five years at Tri-State. 32nd birthday.

loved. lost. learned. let go. this year brought a new relationship, which in the end turned out not to be quite the right fit. the first few months were amazing, but as we learned more about each other, we came to the understanding that he and I would not work as a we. unfortunately, although the realization was there, the acceptance was not. we broke up and got back together and broke up and got back together and, well, you get the point. throughout it all, I learned more about myself and what I do and do not want in a relationship. the most recent goodbye was just a few weeks ago and, admittedly, I am still working on letting go. but with each day that passes, I’m getting closer.

looking forward. while I am grateful for all that 2012 brought – both the good and the bad – I am ready to bid it adieu and begin the journey that is 2013. buying a house. travels to Jackson Hole, Nashville, Chicago, NYC, Vermont and Morocco and Spain. continued examination of self. volunteering. self love/self care/reflection. completing PM degree. and, whatever else life will bring. here’s to wishing all a very happy new year and a 2013 that brings many blessings and much happiness.

‎Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ~Carl Bard

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I’m Nicole

Trajectory of Life celebrates living purposefully with curiosity, courage and simplicity as guides. I use the blog to document this philosophy through writing about my adventures in reading, travel, cooking, photography, fitness, being a dog mom, minimalism, sustainability, living childfree by choice, marriage and setting and meeting life goals. As someone new-ish to the Bay Area, the blog is also where I share tips for things to do in San Francisco as we explore this new city of ours.

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